The Summer Summary
It’s hard to imagine that in a couple months time we’ll be covered in snow again. What a great summer we’ve had in Tignes. The terrace has been bustling under the alpine sun and the ice cream sundae’s have been flying out.
Whether you’ve been in and out all summer or just a quick visit we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. We’ve managed to build on the success of last winter and continue to receive great feedback whilst having a blast at the same time.
For anyone who didn’t manage to stop by this summer, maybe you’re still interested in what’s been going down in cheese town.
In addition to the usual suspects from the winter grilled cheese menu we chose one of the more summery specials to stick around. This was the Moroccan inspired chickpea, red onion and feta sandwich. A refreshing mix with the addition of black olives and lemon, glued together of course with our gooey 5 cheese house blend. Sounds almost healthy!
We also thought we’d try our hands at the burger game. Covering all bases, we had a classic beef burger, a chicken fillet burger and a veggie falafel burger, all served with delicious crisps and a crunchy salad. For our gluten free and vegan friends (not exclusively of course) we offered a spicy falafel salad served on a crunchy salad with a sweet tangy dressing.
It’s not all been slaving over a hot grill here at La Cantine, we’ve been out and about all over the place enjoying the mountains. Camping trips to lake Annecy, concurring the Via Ferrata, stalking the Tour de France, endless BBQ’s and lakeside activities.
We’re actually all fitter than ever and totally ready to get the ski’s and boards back on.
Roll on winter, more grilled cheese and who’s know what?!?
Unbelievably we’re already only a couple of weeks away from the end of the season, it seems like only last week that we welcomed everyone in for a sample taste of what was on offer. Since then we’ve gone from strength to strength and sandwich to sandwich, we’ve added to the menu bit by bit and now have a long list of weekly specials. Some of our favourites being; slow braised beef chilli, served with guacamole. Jerk pork served with caramelised pineapple. Steak and cheese, and would you believe it mac ‘n’ cheese with bacon, carb monster!!
We’re all very thankful and perhaps a little relieved at how well its been received by both seasonnaires and holiday makers alike. Our mission was to try and provide an affordable and alternative lunch option amongst all the pizzas, crêpes and burgers on offer around Tignes. And to hopefully add to the growing reasons for people to visit Le Lavachet, which over the last few years has become a great place to hang out.
A special thank you is most definitely owed to the amazing team that have ran the show and helped to iron out all the teething problems along the way. Alice, Bleu, Chenoa, Andy, Charlie, Joe, Debbs, Sophie, Amy and Amy, and also Anna for her amazing cakes. It’s been great vibes and service with a smile from start to finish. Which is probably why our loyal seasonnaires keep coming back for more grilled cheese.
What’s next then….?
We’re all having a well earned break and putting our feet for a few weeks. Then we’re back for the summer with more delicious grilled cheese and summery treats. Expect some refreshing and healthy salads, and some naughty and not so healthy desserts, perfect for a warm summers day.